Youth Against Trafficking Club of Darjeeling Government College in collaboration with Mankind in Action for Rural Growth (MARG) Darjeeling was formally formed with an awareness program on human trafficking and child sexual abuse on the 12th of July 2018. In this awareness program in our college, students were provided about the awareness on human trafficking with various examples from local level. Member of the MARG were present in this programme.
World Day against Trafficking in Persons is observed annually on July 30th 2019 and MBKS Trust observed this important day with MARG Darjeeling. MARG assisted and conducted a quiz tilted 'Mukti Quiz' at GDNS Hall for schools and college students alike to spread awareness on trafficking, related legislation and statutes. The students of Darjeeling Government College participated in this programme with full enthesitis. All together seven schools and six colleges participated in the quiz. Mr. Rahul A. Pradhan, GS, MBKS Trust, was the quizmaster of the day.
The programe was started with seven schools competing for the ever MUKTI QUIZ school level trophy. After gruelling three rounds of hardcore quizzing, the all girls team from Loreto Convent, Darjeeling were crowned the champions with Gyanoday Niketan coming second and Notre Dame Academy third.
In the afternoon session, six colleges competed for the MUKTI QUIZ college level championship. All the teams were outstanding and very few points separated the winner from the rest of the pack. The team from Darjeeling Government College were the champions with Salesian College Sonada coming second and Southfield College third.
Mr. Nirnay John Chettri, GS, MARG Darjeeling summed up the celebration for us. People trafficking and modern day slavery is a massive worldwide problem with very few countries immune to human trafficking, and the event by the United Nations is to raise awareness and increase prevention of that. Thousands of men, women and children end up in the hands of traffickers every year, often through being tricked and mislead to believe that they are being taken to work that will make their family better off, or through force, kidnap, or even through very poor families selling children in order to survive.
Therefore, on the 2019 World Day UNODC focused on highlighting the importance of Government action in the interest of victims of trafficking. But the call to action is not only to Governments, we encourage everyone to take action to prevent this heinous crime.
Officially YAT Club was formed at Darjeeling Government College with Support from MARG on 11.9.2019. Mr. Nirnay John Chettri and his team were present and elaborate the role of YAT at college level which will benefit not only for college with such a wonderful concept for the society as well. In this formation meeting with MARG, it was decided that Dr. Projjawal C Lama will act as Chairperson of YAT, Dr. Sherap Bhutia as Coordinator, Ms. Riya Rana as President, Ms. Pragya Pradhan as General Secretary and Ms. Nigeeta Bhatarai as Treasurer. All together 50 students get registered themselves as member of YAT of Darjeeling Government College during this programme.
The 1st General meeting of officially formed YAT Club of Darjeeling Government College were held on 18.09.2019. During this meeting batch distribution & Membership for YAT Club of Darjeeling Government College were followed and future plan of action and programme were discussed. Formation of WhatsApp group and Facebook account for YAT were finalised for proper coordination among all members.
Two Days Vigilance Group Training YATC at Siliguri representing Darjeeling Government College.
Vigilance Group Residential Training at Seva Kendra Siliguri were organised on 15th and 16th of December 2019. Four member representing Darjeeling Government College under the teacher-in-charge DR. Sherap Bhutia participated in this residential training along with other participants from different colleges . In this training, learned Public Prosecutor of Darjeeling District Mr. Pranay Rai, Mr. Suraj Chhetri, Officer in Charge of Cyber Crime Office in Siliguri, Mr. Amos Tshering Director World Vision Siliguri, Ms. Kamlesh Rai, Ms. Lata Chettri, Ms. Pritiya Chhetri DCPO ( District Child Protection Officer) Ms. Bani Lama DSWO (District Social Welfare Officer) and Ms. Anuja Ghalay Director of Edit Wilkins, Mr. Titimus Sir from St. Joseph's College Darjeeling. for sharing valuable information and taking time out for this training.
No activities were organised due to COVID
An awareness programme organised by Youth against trafficking club of Darjeeling Government College unit was held on 9.02.2021. During this awareness programme Mr. Nirnay Jhon Chettri and Ms Radha from MARG presented the present trends on human trafficking and also interact with our college students.
On 19.11.2022 under Youth Against Trafficking Club of Darjeeling Government College, induction cum enrolment programe was organised at seminar hall. Around 39 number of students get themselves enrolled as a member of this club. In this induction programme, YAT member delivered the needs and importance of this kind of club for welfare to the society and for safety purposes.
YAT Club
Darjeeling Government College